× Europe H2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760858

Heritage values: New Aesthetics and Movements

Heritage Architecture and Urbanism

New Aesthetics and Movements

Since the outburst of the avant-gardes, the 20th century has witnessed multiple paths of exploration into new aesthetic forms. Artistic and architectural movements continuously seek ways of expressing the profound changes that affect human societies immersed in dramatic and vertiginous changes. All the innovations and experimentation that came with concrete soon lead to the development of coherent formal and aesthetic systems that quickly expanded, establishing the first architectural movements that incorporated and took advantage of the possibilities of concrete. Brutalism, for example, refers to a specific way of using concrete, the “beton brut” but its main characteristic is the aim of maximizing the expressiveness of concrete both in texture and volume

Related monuments


cc 4.0 Kanerva Teuvo

Kalevan kirkko [Kaleva Church]

Czech Republic

© Jürgen Järvik | grandeflanerie.com

Nájemní dům Hodek [Hodek Apartment House]


cc 4.0 Jaatinen Martti I.

Dipoli, Aalto-yliopisto [Dipoli, Aalto University]


© Jürgen Järvik | www.grandeflanerie.com

Bauhaus-Archiv Museum für Gestaltung Berlin [Bauhaus Archives, Design Museum]


cc 2.0 modernist design

HfG - Archiv Ulm [HfG Archives Ulm]


© Fundación COAM / Fundación Docomomo Ibérico

Edificio Torres Blancas [Torres Blancas building]


© Jean-Sébastien Maur

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