× Europe H2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760858

Heritage values: Integration of the Arts

Heritage Architecture and Urbanism

Integration of the Arts

Concrete, as a ductile material, allows for new ways of artistic expression on a previously unknown scale. Its versatility in creating forms stands out when compared with other materials to a point that a whole building could resemble a sculpture, or a huge sculpture can be inhabited as a building. Elements that play a mere functional role can easily incorporate decorative details, and artists can collaborate with architects and engineers to create works that integrate expressivity and functionality, increasing its value and social recognition. 
The need for a mold to build it was used from the beginning to incorporate textures in concrete, as a negative print. Moreover, the infinite possibilities in the composition of the material itself, using different aggregates in size, texture and color and the finishing textures that it allows -from shinny marmoreal to vast and rough- makes concrete a really versatile material in its expressiveness. This was exploited by architects to “design” specific concretes that fulfilled the desired expressivity of their buildings.  

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