× Europe H2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760858

Solutions / Products

Main solutions for concrete problems

Building surfaces, such as cement, tile, stone, marble, are subject to damage by natural corrosion because they are exposed to polluted areas. The deterioration is caused by the combined and / or synergistic action of biological, physical and chemical agents.

Water, sulphate anions and airborne particles are considered to be the most aggressive corrosive agents in building materials. In particular, the role of water as a corrosive agent is twofold: (a) it contributes to the leaching of insoluble constituents found in building materials and (b) it contributes to the transfer of salts from one site to another. In addition, water favors the growth of micro-organisms and the formation of crusts on the surfaces of structures.

The promoted structural damage entails high maintenance and repair costs. Therefore, the development of multifunctional products combining either stabilizing, hydrophobic, self-cleaning and / or antifouling properties is a promising solution in the treatment of building surfaces.

solutions Website

Concrete Repair

Concrete Repair

As example, the selection of the repair material and techniques can be based on the various principles described in the EN 1504-9. All over the world, some companies can provide repair materials that meet the local and international standards requirements such as ASTM, EN etc.