× Europe H2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760858

Heritage values: Regional Development

Heritage Technology and Society

Regional Development

Some regions would never be such as we know them today if it weren’t for a specific infrastructure that allowed their reality to change in diverse and profound ways. For instance, hydraulic infrastructures that allowed for a whole new economic development, or roads that reversed an ongoing situation of isolation. Most of the times, these items issue from an immense collective effort shared by society. To preserve a specific infrastructure means, above all, valorizing the landscape and the human development that this infrastructure has been able to create. It also means recognizing its capacity to transform an environment and economy and allowing or helping maintain life and human progress in difficult conditions.

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© Helene Hoyer Mikkelsen | Instagram

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CC BY-SA 3.0 (unported)

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© G. H. Krol

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